–Cons, Debate

Should we welcome artificial intelligence into today’s society?





BY Kim Si-Eun

Jamsil Middle school


“What are you proud of?” If you asked me this question today, without hesitation, I would tell you that I am proud of being a human. Humans are the most developed species on Earth. We are able to use forms of symbolic communication such as language and art. We can exchange ideas. We can reflect on ourselves in order to better ourselves.

These days, humans are using their intelligence to create new things that can and will irrevocably change our lives, just so we can live a more comfortable life. Artificial Intelligence, or “AI”, occurred as a result of the intelligence of humans. We have managed to create an intelligence manifested through machines and software, which will undoubtedly influence our life in a massive way. However, this is the problem.

Perhaps the most basic concern with AI is that it will result in an enormous amount of human laziness. Imagine a world where robots do everything for us. They clean the house, wash the dishes, and even complete our homework. It sounds wonderful, right?

It isn’t. According to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), the obesity rate increased from 13% to 27.6% from 1962 to 2013. In America alone, more than one third of adults are obese. The OECD predicts that by 2050, that one third will jump to one half. Having AI robots complete our everyday tasks for us will do nothing to help lower these numbers.

However, the presence of AI robots in our society could have an even more frightening effect. Artificial intelligence could surpass humans, and we could lose the uniqueness of things that make us human. As mentioned before, humans are the most developed species on this earth. Nevertheless, artificial intelligence could eventually transcend that of humans.

To illustrate, let’s look at one AI robot named Pepper. Pepper is the first humanoid robot designed to live with humans. He is a social robot who is able to converse with people, recognizing and reacting to our emotions. In the future, these kinds of robots will develop at a rapid speed, and their development could surpass human development.

Let’s be proud of being humans. Let’s save our humanity. Let’s keep what it means to be human uniquely separate from machines.



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