
Travel: following the trend of TV programs

TV shows about traveling are very common. However, there wasn’t a big and remarkable effect on traveling from travel programs until recently. Travel shows have started to affect travel business positively. They contribute heavily in making people set out on a trip.

shutterstock_123665449In 2013 and 2014, TV program ‘Grandpa Over Flowers’ was broadcasted. It was about grandpa celebrities’ trip to other countries. This show recorded a high view rate, and many people liked it. ‘Sister Over Flowers’ and ‘Youth Over Flowers’ were also broadcasted and brought fame as well. According to the Ministry of Tourism of Croatia, the number of Korean tourists has increased rapidly, after Croatia was broadcasted in ‘Sister Over Flowers’. In 2013, Korean travelers to Croatia were about 70,000 people. However, after the show, 250,000 people traveled to Croatia. Also, there was a surge in Korean travelers to Taiwan after Taiwan was broadcasted in a TV program. It recorded 61.2% of growth rate.

TV shows also induce people to go on a travel. According to Korean Tourism Organization, 64.7% of travelers to foreign countries said they were influenced by traveling shows on television. Also, they predict the number will rise as more TV programs are focusing on journeys abroad.

As the popularity of countries from TV shows increases, travel businesses and government of each country try to keep the popularity and expand profits from travelers. Minister of Croatian Ministry of tourism said, they would introduce attraction of Croatia to prevent diminution of Korean travelers. He said they would establish tourism bureau of Croatia in Seoul to continue the fever of tourism of Croatia.

Moreover, travel businesses are busy to follow trend that TV programs showed. An administrator of Europe travel agency said that they have started to sell various packages of tour that were influenced from “Over Flowers” series.

One of the administrators of Korean travel agency said that a ripple effect of reality travel TV show will be considerable, and it will bring a huge impact in the business field. If the business and travel TV shows continue to be creative and suitable for tourists, they can get sizable profits and positive effects. At the same time, priceless experience can also be attained.



BY Kim Min-Jung

Tanchun Elementary School


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