
Ryu Sung-Yong: professional traveler

Traveling is described in countless ways by many people. Some people call it an adventure; some people call it an escape from the tiring reality. Most people think that traveling is when you have plenty of leisure time and enough finance. They often think that you cannot travel for a living. There is Ryu Sung-Yong, a professional traveler and travel writer whose life you can truly call a traveler’s. So far, he published several books based on his journey, and he also directed numbers of traveling programs.

shutterstock_114273946The book “Professional Traveler” is where Ryu got the nickname and since then has gained quite some popularity among people who want to travel. “Professional Traveler” consists of two chapters with similar topics but different contents. One chapter covers a story of a man who couldn’t settle down so traveling has become his daily life. It’s actually about his own story of traveling after he had lost people around him. It is gloomy on one hand after all since he did not have much choice but to travel around. Another chapter is ‘The World’s Loneliest Travel Story.’ This is about the writer traveling around countries from China, Tibet, Nepal to Pakistan. This became a lighthouse for those who travel often and an inspiration for those who could not travel freely.

Ryu was born in 1971 and graduated from Yonsei University. He was a columnist in the Hankyoreh newspaper. After finishing school, he entangled himself into several events such as joining crab fishing. He spent three years as a Korean subject teacher in high school. When he was 29, he went to southern part of Jiri Mountain, and spent 4 years doing nothing but selling teas and writing. This was when he published the book “Love of Things that are Nothing.” Then he started traveling around Asian countries from India to Pakistan for one and a half year, and published the “Professional Traveler.” Later, he directed several traveling television programs such as EBS’ ‘World Theme Tour’ where he introduced countries like Mexico, Peru, Iran and many more.

Ryu inspired many people with his stories and ideas. Writer Bob Chang who watched Ryu taking part in EBS’ ‘World Theme Tour’ was inspired by how he can easily blend in with the locals and new environment, no matter which country he visits. On the interview in the Kyunghyang newspaper, he made some important criticisms about traveling. He said, “People take their traveling experience to show off to others. People try to travel on their own will and their own choice only.” He also gave some suggestions such as “Traveling is a great opportunity to be somebody else. It is difficult to not be ourselves in daily lives. Also, we learn the importance of will and decision but we do not have enough opportunities to learn that there are views and places we cannot reach with just will and decision. We need some space to walk around with our presence reduced, letting few things go as we walk along.”

Perhaps, the true meaning of traveling is not in our ideals of good traveling we see on TV. Just like Ryu has found his own style of traveling and gained the nickname of “professional traveler,” we should keep his advice in mind and try to blend in rather than shining alone and seek for our true meaning of traveling.



BY Shim Hyun-Gyun

Bangi Middle school


Richard Branson: an unsuccessful space travel pioneer

The human race has been curious about the universe for thousands of years. They wondered what would be in the outer space, and longed to visit the place. In the last few decades, space technology has greatly improved, and now we can send people to space easily. However, only a few astronauts have been to space; not ordinary people. Now, Richard Branson, the president of Virgin Group, announced that he would run a space travel program. His aim is to send non-astronauts to space as tourists.

shutterstock_171314345In order to achieve the goal, he founded Virgin Galactic, a commercial spaceflight company within Virgin Group. It purchased spacecrafts, built “Spaceports,” and started promoting their program internationally. One of their spaceships, SpaceShipTwo(SS2), was unveiled at the Mojave Spaceport in December 2009, and it had completed several test flights attached to another spacecraft, named WhiteKnightTwo. They have made great progress toward space travel, but there have been several adversaries. In April 2013, the SS2 achieved a speed of 1.2 Mach and 1.44 Mach in its supersonic flights, but it fell far short of the 3.28 Mach for 70 seconds required in flying to space. Also, in September 2014, it failed to reach the required altitude needed to get the Federal Aviation Administration licence to carry passengers.

On top of that, a tragedy happened recently. On October 31, 2014, VSS Enterprise, one of the spacecrafts, broke apart during a test flight. As a result, the pilot died and the co-pilot was seriously injured. It crashed shortly after it was released from the mothership. Investigations showed that the air braking system appeared to have malfunctioned. After this accident, many people condemned this program and some customers started to demand refund.

Branson’s space travel program is quite questionable about its possibility to succeed. Technical problems remain unsolved, and its high cost-$250,000 per person-is a pullback. Also, the public opinion is not positive about it. However, this program might not be completely meaningless as it is a process of customizing space travel for everyone in the future.

Kim Young-mok


BY Kim Young-Mok

Aju Middle School


Cha Baek-Seong: biker, traveling around the world

Do you enjoy riding bikes? If yes, try traveling around the world with your bike. Bikes are known to be a humane tool even if technologies have improved dramatically in recent years. Here, I would like to introduce an adventurer who travels around the world with bikes. Cha Baek-Seong, a 63-year-old biker, has traveled around the world for 14 years.

차백성_routeCha succeeded in crossing the American continent and Hawaii. He also made it from Kyushu to Hokkaido in Japan, which measures about 5,000 kilometers. New Zealand and China became parts of his bike travel history, too. The 2006 German World Cup was another special memory for Cha because he rode 2,006 kilometers from Turkey to Frankfurt, in order to deliver the news of victory to Korean soccer team players. He also published two travel review books “America Road” and “Japan Road,” which helped him became a bike promotion ambassador by the Ministry of Culture and Sports.

Why Cha is remarkable is that he quit his job of holding a high position in a major company and pursued his dream. When asked why he started biking at the age of 49, he answered that the timing couldn’t be more perfect. He was ready to bike, mentally and physically. His father, a former university professor passed away in an accident when Cha was only six years old. It was a big shock to him then and Cha began to ponder about “dying well.” After earning and saving enough money, he finally decided to move on to the second stage of his life.

Cha is one of my role models because I dream to travel through the world with a bike. When I ride a bike, I feel free and fresh. Traveling is another form of freedom and expression. My own voyage will be the one with bike riding. I can test my own limits, like Cha did. Surely, if you’re one of the bike lovers, you could purchase his travel review books and practice riding bikes more vigorously.



BY Lee Seung-Ho

Jamsil Middle school


Amelia Earhart: the first lady of flight

It was July 2, 1937. The American Coast Guard patrol craft got an urgent telegraph. “We’re running out of gas. We can’t see land.” And this was the last contact with Amelia Earhart, “queen of the air.”

Her childhood

Earhart was born in 1897 to a poor family in Kansas, United States. However, she was unaffected by the family circumstances and became a very bright and ambitious girl. She preferred playing tennis or swimming to playing house or playing with dolls like usual girls. Later, this sort of outgoing and adventurous character helped her become a legendary female pilot.

The 10 minutes that changed her life

When Earhart was in university, tshutterstock_249572038he whole world was in a dismal mood. The reason was because of the WWI. Earhart went to Canada as a wartime volunteer to nurse the injured, and was determined to study medicine. To study medicine, she came back to the U.S., but it was not easy to study medicine due to the lack of financial support from her family. However, on December 8, 1920, Earhart got to experience the 10 minutes that changed her life in airfield in Long Beach, California. She got a chance to board a plane as a passenger. After 10 minutes that Earhart flew, she realized that becoming a pilot is her fate. Since then, she saved money tenaciously to take flying lessons. She had a talent on flying, and became the first woman to fly at a height of 14,000 feet on October 22, 1922. Finally on May 15, 1923, Earhart attained a pilot certificate by International Union of Aviation Insurers. She was the 16th woman pilot in the world.

The first lady of flight

shutterstock_249571993The time has come when she became the first woman who crossed the Atlantic Ocean. Although the pilot was a male and Earhart was just an assistant, the 20-hour-and-40-minute flight was successful and soon Earhart earned fame. People started calling her “the first lady of flight.” However, despite the fame and honor she received, Earhart felt a sense of shame because she was not the main pilot and felt as if she did not do much. People at that time commented that Earhart showed that women can also do great, and that men and women are equal in knowledge and bravery. She became the president of the Ninety-Nines, an organization of women pilots in 1929. Four years after her first transatlantic flight, Earhart finally crossed the Atlantic with a solo flight. The result was 16 hours and 56 minutes. It was a new world record.

After her solo flight, she succeeded a transpacific flight and non-stop crossing America, and consecutively made a new record. In 1935, the dean of Purdue University asked Earhart to teach female students about flight. At the same time, she applied a new idea to the plane, which was the gift from the dean, and remodeled it to fit her better. Earhart gained confidence from it, and started to plan an around-the-world flight. What she didn’t know was that it was her last flight. At first, everything was going smoothly. She passed South America, Africa, the Malay Archipelago and Australia during one month. However, on July 2, 20 minutes after Earhart and her assistant navigator Fred Noonan left Lae, New Guinea, which is the interim landing zone, they disappeared forever.

Her legacy

Earhart was a strong woman, both mentally and physically. She successfully performed pilot training that many males found difficult and strenuous, and showed that females can do what males do, perhaps even better. Earhart’s flight record and a dignified appearance gave hope, courage and self-esteem to many women, and brought a result in which more than 1,000 women pilots from Women Air Force Service Pilots played an active part as transport plane pilots in the WWII.

George Putnam, husband of Earhart, said, when reminiscing his wife. “Amelia will be remembered as making people fearless of flight.”



BY Kim Jung-Hyun

Bansong Middle School


Han Bi-Ya: a traveler, an author and a relief worker

Han Bi-ya is a remote area traveler and an author of Korea. She was born in 1958 in Seoul and graduated from Hongik University and the University of Utah. She worked for World Vision until 2009 but retired.

Han was first known to the public through her traveling journals. When quitting her job at the age of 35 to travel around the world, she had her own rules of not traveling in luxury, and it had continued for seven years. She traveled on foot and stayed in local homes. Her writings on interesting experiences soon attracted numerous readers and her books became best sellers. She preferred staying at the local residents’ homes rather than hotels because she thought that it was the best way to experience their lives. The journey changed her life dramatically. Now she says that traveling no longer makes her heart flutter but working as a relief worker in places that suffered from disasters and wars does.

shutterstock_154577657In an interview with Korean Herald, she replied that the happiest person is someone who does the work he or she really wants and that courage is made when someone doesn’t get fearful for trying something new. Also, she insisted that she is living her life with timeline that cannot be compared to that of others.

Currently, she is one of the most respected people by teenagers and university students in Korea. Using the word “global home” instead of “global village,” she emphasizes that foreigners are also one part of our society and that we should help one another. Many backpack travelers are motivated by her books and learn many lessons and tips.

She was awarded ‘Korean YMCA, young leader awards of 2004’ and ‘100 people who made the world brighter selected by an environmental organizations 2005’. “Daughter of the Wind, Stood up on Our Land” (1999), “Daughter of the Wind, Around the Earth Three and a Half Times on Foot” (2000), “March Out of the Map” (2005), and “It was Love” (2005) are some of her well-known books.



BY Kim Chae-Hyun

Seokcheon Middle School


Career Discovery–Life as a program director

shutterstock_242820967One of the most vital parts of the Korean Wave is its programming industry. In the past few decades, Korea has become well-known as one of the pioneering countries in producing unique and creative television programs. Standing behind the scenes in shows is the production crew.

Because of today’s technology, viewers now challenge themselves to inquire how programs are made. Therefore, life as a Program Director, or PD, is much less veiled to the public’s eye than it used to be.

Program Directors can be categorized into two groups: radio and television. Radio PDs are usually composed of three or fewer directors, while television programs require a much larger number.

PDs are in charge of essentially everything associated with their program. Two of their important tasks include choosing the perfect cast and planning out the schedule for the program. With these already-difficult tasks to complete, they also need to make sure their budget allows for each difficult decision they make. One minor error in judgment can prove deadly to a show, just as one incredible episode could attract the world’s attention.

This is an imaginary interview with a famous Korean producer, Na Young Seok.

Hi. It’s a great honor to interview you! Can you briefly introduce yourself to the Smart & Story readers?

Hello. My name is Na Young Seok. I am a producer who currently works for TVN. Most people remember me for directing the show “1 Night 2 Days.”

What do producers think of viewers nowadays?

Viewers nowadays want to know everything. A couple of decades ago, the end result was the only thing viewers cared about. They just wanted to watch the program and that was it. However, these days, the audience tends to be more inquisitive about how the program was created.

What is the biggest obstacle that you have to overcome, being a Program Director?

The biggest obstacle is that we always have to make new programs that exceed viewers’ expectations. What matters most is viewers’ perception of the show. We always have to be on our toes, creating new and unique ideas.

What differentiates a good producer from a bad producer?

The main factors that distinguish a good PD from a bad one is the efficiency with which a program is made. Good producers can think of creative ideas and work them effortlessly into the program. Of course, they also have to have the spark of creativity.

What is the most helpful trait to have as a producer?

Like I mentioned before, creativity is of the utmost importance. However, beyond that, a PD must have excellent leadership skills, because he or she has to direct the crew. The PD has to lead negotiations among the different members of the crew, which can be a daunting task.

Do you have anything else to tell the Smart & Story readers?

If production is something you are passionate about, and you want to take part in spreading the Korean Wave around the world, you should look into becoming a Program Manager!



BY Choi Yun-Seo

Wolchon Elementary School


Korean Wave with sports stars

In the late 90s, journalists from Beijing created the term ‘Korean wave’ which stands for the great influence of Korean culture to the world. The flow of culture from Korea spread out into teenagers and young adults around the world. The Korean wave is on the rise and this wave has made a significant impact on the sports world.

shutterstock_48469234Korea’s president Park Geun-Hye said that “Culture is power.” As such, Hallyu in sports has become important as well. There are some famous athletes who introduced Korea’s culture to other countries and raised Koreans’ pride and power. In US Major League, Ryu Hyun-Jin and Choo Shin-Soo are prominent baseball players, achieving recognitions from their fans. Furthermore, according to the WKTV, player Ryu said “I can gain belief because I sincerely do my best in my job and I have thorough self-management.” Moreover, “Choo Choo train” (nickname of Choo) said, “I make an effort to win.” From here, we can realize that Korean baseball players in foreign countries are raising the influence of Korean culture. Also, a Korean figure skater Kim Yu-Na received the gold medal in 2010 Vancouver, and the silver medal in 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics. Due to her accomplishments and great achievements, she contributed to Korea’s power and pride to the world.


In addition, economic benefits, brand value and image of country through sports stars are increasing. In the 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympics, figure skater Kim Yu-na’s economic effects were about 48 hundred million dollars (5trillion won) including her personal income and the revenue of advertising products that were related to her and country’s image promotion effects. Rhythmic gymnastics player Son Yun-Jae is also expected to be the ‘blue-chip’ when she participates in the Olympics final as Kim Yu-na because she is already LG’s commercial model. Moreover, economic ripple effects that Ryu and Choo cause are powerful too. In 2014, since Ryu has taken an active part in the major league, the number of fans went up. In addition, Park Chan-Ho caused LA Dodgers’ sensation in the late 90s.

Thanks to Korean sports player’s tremendous accomplishments, Korea has become introduced to other countries. Not only have they raised Koreans’ pride and reputation, they have also contributed dramatically to the economy. As a result, from Korean wave in sports, Korea has received a significant number of benefits and these athletes have also caused big impact on the world.



BY Cho Sung-Yeop

Yokgok Middle school


Lee Jong-Suk, a leading star of Hallyu

lee jong-sukSchool 2013 (KBS-2012~2013), I Hear Your Voice (SBS-2013), Doctor Stranger (SBS-2014) and Pinocchio (SBS-2014~2015). These are the four hit dramas that captivated a massive audience in Korea as well as Hallyu fans throughout the world. They gained huge popularity with their exciting plots, settings, and actors. One of those actors is Lee Jong Suk, a popular star leading the future of Hallyu.

He is an attractive and tall model-turned actor. He made his debut as an actor with a drama named Prosecutor Princess (SBS-2010). Since then, he acted in seven other dramas including Secret Garden (SBS-2010), My Prettiest Moments (SBS-2010) and High Kick- Counterattack of Short Leg (MBC-2011~2012). Specifically, his latest four dramas (School 2013, I Hear Your Voice, Doctor Stranger and Pinocchio) showed Lee Jong Suk’s well-polished acting skills. From the drama “I Hear Your Voice,” he gained a large number of popularity from older females and became one of Korea’s favorite celebrities. In Doctor Stranger, he acted as a genius doctor.

He also acted in many movies which were incredibly popular. Starting with the movie Ear (2009), he began to get recognition as a true actor. He played the main role in movies R2B: Return to Base (2012), The Face Reader (2013), No Bracing (2013), and Blood-Boiling Youth (2014). According to Korean Film Commission, most of these movies’ total attendance had reached more than 1,000,000. One of these, “The Face Reader” recorded 9,135,540 people, ranking 14th of Box-Office. It also received favorable reviews from Korea and many foreign countries, according to Twitchfilm.

Following dramas and movies, Lee Jong Suk is also succeeding in the advertisement field. A lot of global brands are competing to select Lee Jong Suk as their commercial film or CF model. He is now chosen as the model of Silla Duty Free Shop as well as China’s best casual brand ‘Syeonma’, the global luxury brand ‘Oakley’, the global casual brand ‘GbyGuess’ and Korea’s cosmetics company ‘Skin Food’, which is now spurring overseas expansion. In the past, he has done advertisements for Cass (a beer company), Jambangee (a clothing company), OK Cashbag (a Card company), Milk Cow (a ice-cream company),Pokopang (a game app), Asics (a Sports Shoes brand) and many more.

Recently, his Lock and Lock CFs are drawing enormous attentions from China and many other countries. (Lock and Lock is a company which produces mostly plastic containers.) Hitting more than 2,000,000 views in the official Lock and Lock Chinese website, it’s really showing the ‘Lee Jong Suk effect’ in China. Lock and Lock’s vice-president, Kim Sung Tae said, “It is pleasure to have Lee Jong Suk as our CF model, who is raising stock price in Korea. I’m greatly looking forward to the CF and ‘Lee Jong Suk effect’ to encourage young people to become familiar with Lock and Lock.”

Lock and Lock’s new CF’s theme, which is called ‘Love on the Constellations” is attracting the public eye with the theme setting of the 12 constellations, causing interests of youngsters. 12 episodes of CFs are based on the characteristics of the 12 constellations, visualizing pure love stories with different settings. The 12 different films show a couple’s dramatic love story. Lee Jong Suk is showing his various magnetisms from high school student to office worker. Particularly, this CF’s biggest features are stories just like movies and image beauties, reaching beyond the existing advertisement concept.

His activities as a CF model in China will also continue in Korea. The company explained that this year, they will focus on a market with a variety of designs of new products and Lee Jong Suk will target young people.

Lee Jong Suk is currently playing a journalist, Gi Ha Myeong’s role in the drama “Pinocchio.” He is gaining a huge following from viewers all around the world with his enthusiastic and sincere acting. According to Neilsens Korea, Pinocchio is taking the No.1 ranking in viewer ratings between same time programs. In addition, it broke the highest price of China export. The drama producers say that Pinocchio is sold at 280,000 dollars for each episode to ‘YoukuTudou Group’.

Lee Jong Suk is certainly receiving a huge number of favorable comments. With his nickname, ‘trustworthy actor’, his future seems bright and thanks to him, Korea’s future hallyu also seems bright.


Lee Che-Yeon


BY Lee Chae-Yeon

Youngdong Middle School


Career Discovery–About a virtual reality expert

In life, it’s very important not to lose our sense of reality. If we do, we don’t see things as they really are. However, some things can’t be done in reality. Enter virtual reality, a computer-generated environment that can mimic physical presence in an imitation world. In a virtual reality, you have the power to become anything you want. Does that sound like something you might enjoy? Then find out more about exactly what a virtual reality expert is.

shutterstock_225446887Q: What does a virtual reality expert do?

A: A virtual reality expert uses 3D modeling to develop simulation systems. They program virtual realities with 3D computer graphic control technology and design it to feel real to the user. They also test readymade programs to ensure they are without errors.

Q: What sort of field of study do you need to become a virtual reality expert?

A: Some university majors or courses that would be helpful are computer science, computer graphics, software design, and computer programming.

Q: What sort of certifications do you need?

A: Certifications in Visual Communications or Computer Graphics would both be very useful.

Q: How much do you earn?

A: On average, virtual reality experts earn upwards of 30,000,000 won per year.

Q: What kind of other qualifications does a virtual reality expert need?

A: Since you will be working with others on a team, you will need to be cooperative and have good interpersonal skills. Also, analytic and innovative thinking, leadership skills, and reliability will all of course help you.

Virtual reality is more than just gaming. It boasts other benefits, medical and military to name a few. Does this sort of job appeal to you? If you are a person with spatial intelligence and creativity, this job might be for you!




BY Tak Yu-Na

Seongdeok Girls’ Middle School


Career Discovery–Path of the practical chemist

shutterstock_143874403In an era where science technology gains more attention with every passing day, the world needs more scientists. Theoretical science can only offer so much insight, thereby necessitating the need for practical chemistry. There is simply no substitute for experimental work in chemistry.

For someone struggling to become a practical chemist, one of the best models to study is the path of Ryoo Ryong, one of the first Korean Nobel Prize nominees.

Ryoo first became interested in the sciences when he was very young. After graduating from Suwon high school, he moved on to receive a bachelor’s degree in applied chemistry from Seoul National University. He later studied at Stanford University, receiving his PhD in chemistry. It was at Stanford that he began his work studying zeolites, for which he later gained respect and fame.

Ryoo focused his research on mesoporous carbon, a very useful element for fuel cells. Fuel cells convert chemical energy into electricity through a chemical reaction. This energy efficient process for creating electricity could prove to be immensely useful in the near future.

He has since moved on to become a professor at KAIST’s Department of Chemistry, as well as director of The Center for Nanomaterials and Chemical Reactions at the Institute for Basic Science, located in Daejeon.

Upon hearing of his nomination, the ever humble Ryoo didn’t celebrate his personal gain. Rather, he focused on the significance it has for Korean society. “This is like receiving official recognition from the international community that Korean scientists, too, have reached the Nobel Prize level.” Although he did not end up winning the prize, he is still a contender for the prize in the next few years.




BY Park Sang-Ha

Sindaerim Elementary School


Imaginary Interview–Man, flying like a bird; the Wright brothers

Chairperson: Hello, everyone! Welcome to Amazing Science Talk Show! Today, we will be having the Wright Brothers for our guest! Please greet them with applause!

Audience: Hurray! (Clapping)

Wilbur, Orville: Thank you, everyone.

Wilbur: Hi! I am Wilbur Wright,shutterstock_88680817

Orville: And I am Orville Wright.

Chairperson: Nice to meet you, Wilbur and Orville, you two were known for being the first people to invent a power airplane that could fly without wind supporting it. Can you tell us more about it?

Wilbur: Yes, although there were a few people before us who tried to fly with an airplane, people admit that we were the first to fly in the sky for the longest time. We were also the first ones to fly 255 meters in 59 seconds. People before us, like the Montgolfie brothers who made the first air balloon, or George Keyley who made the first glider, didn’t get much recognition.

Chairperson: Oh, why didn’t they?

Wilbur: The reason was simple. They couldn’t control their ‘flying machines’ by themselves. The wind had a huge influence to the planes.

Chairperson: Oh, so they couldn’t choose their departure right?

Orville: Right, We have big airplanes nowadays that can fly anywhere in the world and so flying 255 meters in 59 seconds doesn’t sound like a big deal. However, at that time, it was almost a miracle!

Chairperson: Oh~! Yes, that must have been shocking news to the world. Did you show any talents for making or inventing things prior to making the airplane?

Wilbur: When I was 18, Orville and I made a printer that could publish newspapers. What’s special about it is that we made it ourselves, and we added a few techniques of a sewing machine, so it could print much easier and faster.

Chairperson: Oh, thinking of adding the principle of sewing machine; I think that was a brilliant idea. How did you come to think of making a printer? I heard you had an accident at that time.

Wilbur: That’s right. I got an unexpected injury at a hockey competition. My mouth was hit hard by a hockey stick, and my 8 of my teeth were broken. So I had to stay in bed and quit school.

Chairperson: Ouch, that must have been painful! What did you do when you were recovering?

The Wright BrothersWilbur: Well, I got bored lying in bed, so I started reading books. I read mainly science books, and I think that’s where I have chosen my mind to focus on science.

Chairperson: Well, it showed how calm comes after the storm right?

Wilbur, Orville: Right. (laugh)

Chairperson: What made you start to think about making an airplane?

Orville: When I was sick from typhoid fever, Wilbur brought me an article about a person who failed to fly. He faced death in his experiment of flying an airplane. From that time, we dreamed of making an airplane with our own hands. That was our turning point of focus on science.

Chairperson: Oh, I see.

Now! It’s time for some questions. If anybody has a question to ask to these two gentlemen, please raise your hand.

Audience 1: Me! (hand raised)

Chairperson: Yes, please speak.

Audience 1: Did you always achieve your goals when you were making the airplane?

Orville: No, when we were doing an experiment with a soldier; Selphrige lieutenant, we crashed. As a result, poor Selphrige died, and my leg was fractured. After the accident, I learned some lessons and investigated more about planes, so there weren’t any more crashes after the accident.

Chairperson: Thank you. We would like to have just one more question.

Audience 2: (Raising hand)

Chairperson: Yes, go ahead.

Audience 2: Do you have any advice for us on how to succeed?

Wilbur: Well, I think courage is the most important part of success. Even with us, if we had been afraid of the future, there wouldn’t be a thing called airplane today. I just want people to know that the future depends on the past. You have to face fear when you have it.

Audience 2: Thank you.

Chairperson: Thank you for your answer Wilbur.

I am very sad to end the show, but it’s time to go. Wilbur and Orville, it has been a pleasure to meet you.

Wilbur, Orville: Yes, it was an honor for both of us and we surely had a good time.

Chairperson: Thank you very much for watching the show. Stay tuned for our next show, at the same time on ONN.

Audience: (Applause)




BY Kim Bo-Eun

Soungnae Elementary School


Imaginary Interview–Stephen Hawking, the real mentor

“A Brief History of Time” written by Stephen William Hawking has caught many eyes of readers who love science and those who don’t get acknowledged by other scientists. “A Brief History of Time” can help non-scientists understand fundamental questions of physics and our existence. This article will show an imaginary interview with Professor Stephen Hawking talking about the book, his life, and success.

Chang Jin-young: Hello, Professor Hawking it’s nice to meet you. First off, could you introduce your life to us?

Professor Hawking: Yes. It’s nice to meet you too. I was born on January 8th, 1942 in Oxford, England. I lived a very happy childhood, however, I got Lou Gehrig’s disease in my twenties and I am still suffering from this disease until now.

Chang Jin-young: Oh… I’m sorry to hear that. However, I heard that you overcame your disease and wrote a book named “A Brief History of Time”. Can we know the reason why you published this book?

shutterstock_158393354Professor Hawking: Yes, it was a very hard time for me when I first heard that I had Lou Gehrig’s disease (ALS is characterized by muscle spasticity and rapidly progressive weakness due to muscle wasting) I fell into depression because I heard that I had only a few years to live. However, I overcame it by knowing that I could be successful in these short years. So I started writing a book named “A Brief History of Time”. The reason why I wrote this book is because I wanted regular people and non-scientists to understand the principles of black holes and the Bing Bang. I also wanted them to study more about the universe. This is why I created this book.

Chang Jin-young: Could you tell us more about the black hole and the Big Bang? I’m sure many will be wondering about both these topics.

Professor Hawking: First off, a black hole is a region of space from which nothing, including light, can escape, and The Big Bang theory is the name of a scientific theory about how the universe started, and then made the groups of stars (called galaxies) we see today.

Chang Jin-young: Thank you for your explanation. I also heard that you were not actually interested in physics and only interested in math. But how did you become a physics professor?

Professor Hawking: You are right. I was only interested in math and I just liked science. However, when I decided to go to Oxford University, they didn’t have a specialty in math and only had science. There were two classifications of the science class. One was ‘particle physics’ and the other was ‘space physics’. Since I wasn’t interested in ‘biology’ I had to choose ‘space physics’. And that’s basically how I jumped into physics and eventually became who I am today.

Chang Jin-young: Now I understand. This is a question a lot of people are wondering. How were you able to explore the universe in your weakened condition?

Professor Hawking: At first, many people doubted me about going to space. Nonetheless, it’s been my dream since I was young to go to space. Also, I have to admit it was very tiring. Having disabilities made it very difficult. I couldn’t move and do things in space freely. But, thanks to the astronauts that helped me I could finish my space journey safely and somewhat easily.

Chang Jin-young: This is the last question for this interview. Can you share some encouraging words for the physically challenged?

Professor Hawking: Um… yes I have a lot of words to say. First of all, I wish that those who are disabled shouldn’t give up on their life. I wanted to give up when I heard I was diagnosed with Lou Gehrig’s disease. However, after I overcame it I live a happier life. I hope they don’t give up on something they started. They should always believe in themselves.

Chang Jin-young: Thank you, Professor Hawking for your explanation of your life and for also leaving some encouraging words for those who need them. We hope to see you again soon. Thank you, once more for your cooperation.

Professor Hawking: You’re welcome. It was my honor to speak in this interview.




BY Chang Jin-Young

Hyoja Elementary School


Behind the box office hit “Interstellar”; Exertion of co-director Jonathan Nolan

There recently has been a mega hit on the box office around the world. On the day of its release, the movie, “Interstellar” succeeded in drawing in 220 thousand people’s attention from around the Korean peninsula. Though it has been only two months since its release, “Interstellar” has placed itself in many people’s hearts. Out of the many crew’s exertion on various aspects of the production of the movie, the sweat of the co-director Jonathan Nolan proves that the mega hit wasn’t just simple luck.

Interstellar film premiere in LondonJonah Nolan JonathanAlbert Einstein

“Interstellar” was founded based on the wormhole theory in which Kip Throne, one of the leading physicists, suggested in the year of 1997. The wormhole theory holds the ideology that by using wormholes, traveling beyond the limit of time would be possible. The theory also shares its main core with the theory of relativity, first brought up by Einstein. In short term, the theory of relativity explains how time and place is relative. To be more specific, Einstein’s theory suggests that time and space is not a separate entity but one substance which we call “space time.” Space time could change, move, bend, and warp. It explains how in the movie, the difference in gravitational force influences the relativity of time in various planets that the crew visits.

The wormhole theory insists that the ideology that by using worm holes, traveling beyond the limit of time would be possible. The wormhole theory shares its main core with the theory of relativity. The theory of relativity was first brought up by Einstein. In short terms, the theory of relativity explain how time and place is relative. Einstein’s theory suggests that time and space is not a separate substance but a one substance what we call “space time”. Space time could change, move, bend, and warp. The theory of relatively explains how the difference in gravitational force influences the relatively of time in the various planets that the crew visits.

The movie is based on two major themes; the relationship between a father and a daughter, and that mankind will always find an answer like they’ve always had. Interstellar captures the expedition of a crew of astronauts traveling beyond the limit of time using wormholes in the universe, finding a suitable nominee for the new place to call home.

Alongside with the excitement of the movie, an element that adds more to the movie itself is its production. Jonathan Nolan, the writer of the movie, first wrote the story plan years ago with a famous science fiction movie director, Steven Spielberg. At that time, Nolan was considerably influenced by the acts of NASA, National Aeronautics and Space Administration. When Nolan was working with the script around the year of 2006, NASA had stopped the Space Transportation System, along with halting the budgets for Mars exploration. These acts of NASA implemented negative thoughts about traveling in space for Nolan. Also, science fiction movies that handle the end of mankind, such as “Wal-E” and “Avatar”, were thriving in the box office around the world.

shutterstock_178830842However, as Spielberg moved from Paramount to Disney, the movie Interstellar needed a new director. Jonathan Nolan nominated his own brother, Christopher Nolan, a famous movie director well-known for the movie, “Inception”. Christopher was overwhelmingly excited to be in charge of the movie. The first thing he did was decreasing the contents which included theories about time traveling, but increasing the importance of the relationship between a father and a daughter.

This was only the beginning of the exertion that Jonathan Nolan had to face in the production of the movie. A short period of time before Christopher Nolan was in charge of directing, Jonathan Nolan decided that more concise theories should be handled in the movie. He therefore, attended the University of California for four years in order to have a deeper understanding in the theory of relatively. The production crew also got help from Kip Throne, the physicist who brought up with the whole theory of wormhole. After such as big hit, Kip Throne in his interview mentioned that the implementation of the theories was easy, thanks to the crew who have valued the importance of science.

Finally, Nolan’s hard effort has been rewarded. As the production continued, he could see what he learned being valued in the real production. More concise theories were subjected and the flow of time enabled the movie to prescribe the precise features of the universe, which led onto a considerable hit in the box office.

Recently in a Korean telecast called “Sulsion”, Lee Yun-Seok, a famous comedian, but also a graduate of Yonsei University and a professor of Joogang University mentioned, “The mega hit of Interstellar around the Korean peninsula is because of the strong compassion of education. Parents liked the movie because of the science theories involved and the fact that the co-director Jonathan Nolan actually studied for four years just for the movie. This helps build more credence of the movie. And, of course, parents want their children to learn educational values the movie contains.




BY Choi Yun-Seo

Wolchon Elementary School


Imaginary Interview–Galileo Galilei: Sticking to my opinion

Do you keep your opinion or easily change your mind? These days, it isn’t hard to notice people changing their minds and opinion in a split second. Moreover, some people don’t even express or tell their opinion because they just think by reading books or just memorizing other people’s opinion. However, there was someone who kept his opinion until his death, Galileo Galilei. This article will have an imaginary interview with Galileo Galilei.

Kim Min-Ji: Hello, Galileo! Can you please introduce yourself to the readers?

Galileo: Oh, hello everyone! I am Galileo Galilei. I lived in Pisa, Italia, which is famous for the Leaning Tower of Pisa. And sadly, I lived when the church had the most power. That’s the biggest thing I don’t like about my life. Ideas were limited, shut, and we were only to obey the church.

Kim Min-Ji: Yes. I learned that because church had the most power, you couldn’t tell others that Earth evolves around the sun. And so, you had to spend time alone in one room because you published the book about the Earth moving around the sun. I’m really sorry about that. But I think I had never heard about your childhood. What was your childhood like? And can you tell me about your parents?

Galileo: My parents were Vincenzo Galilei and Guilia Ammannati. My father was born in Florence in 1520, and my mother was born in Pescia. And in 15, February 1564, I was born as the first of the six children. Ever since a young age, I learned the technicalities involved in lute and became an accomplished lutenist because my dad was a lutenist, composer and music theorist by profession. I aspired to take up priesthood when I grew up, but my dad desired me to be in the field of medicine as it promised a secured financial future. So, I decided to study at the University of Pisa for a degree in medical.

Kim Min-Ji: Then what did you do?

Galileo: There were two incidents that led me to move from being a physician to a mathematician. The first incident was in 1581 when I first noticed that a chandelier despite swinging in large and small arcs took almost the same time to return to the first position. So, thanks to that I set up two pendulums of equal length and swung them. And both of them took the same amount of time to return to the first position!


Kim Min-Ji: And what’s the second incidence?

Galileo: The second incident happened in a lecture of geometry which I accidentally attended. Both of the incidents made me realize my true calling and I finally convinced my father to allow me to study mathematics and natural philosophy. I was very happy then.

Kim Min-Ji: Then, what did you find after that?

Galileo: I made a tool that can know hydraulic pressure by watching water falling down on the bridge. I also found cycloid by watching a carriage swinging when I was sitting there and I found how to know the pyramid’s weigh and so on. I found too many things that even I cannot remember them all.

Kim Min-Ji: Wow. How could you find so many things in your daily life?

Galileo: I always tried to find strange things. I mean something that cannot be explained by others. Then, I tried to find the reason why that thing happened until I found the answer.

Kim Min-Ji: Then when you had a presentation about Aristoteles’ wrong information, didn’t you know that lots of people liked and respected Aristoteles? If you knew that how could you do that presentation?

Galileo: Of course I knew it. But I believed that I should tell my opinion to other people until they recognize my point and think about it one more time even though it didn’t go the way I wanted.

Kim Min-Ji: Wow! You have very great zest for your own opinion. I hope other people would have that zest like you. I think you wouldn’t like this story but these days, numerous people do not try to keep their own ideas but just memorize other famous people’s ideas. I hope people will learn more about you so that they could stick to their own opinions and have more courage to tell their opinions to other people. Thank you so much for sharing your story!




BY Kim Min-Ji

Bonghyun Elementary School


A student who crossed North America on two wheels

Korea is a small country; some people can’t even locate it on a map. However, despite its modest size, great people reside in this country. I am going to tell you about one of them: His name is Cho Wan-Cheol, a student at Inje University.

This young man traveled North America over two months with just a bicycle, cycling 100 kilometers for eight hours each day. The idea for this adventure was born when he read a travelogue on the Internet when he was just 19. The post detailed the journey of another Korean who had traveled the world. For the first time, he dreamed about such an endeavor.

Cho Wan-CheolBut after he entered the military, his dreams became more earnest. Immediately following his discharge, he started to make preparations. First, he needed money, so he took part-time jobs in restaurants and on constructive sites. Then he attained a cooking license in Korean cuisine and taught tourists how to make them. At last, he bought a bicycle for his journey and learned how to maneuver it and do repairs. In the final stages, he practiced cycling and endurance running.

The reason he chose North America for his adventure is because he wanted to see the Grand Canyon and Niagara Falls. First, he went to Arizona. He cycled for two days but still could not see the end of the desert. On the fifth day, he ran out of water and risked dehydration and sun stroke, though he was helped by strangers in passing cars.

Finally, on the 10th day, Cho stepped foot in Grand Canyon. Throughout his journey, he faced several obstacles. Once, his bicycle got a flat tire. This was his first crisis. Even though it was May, there was heavy snow in the Rocky Mountains and he caught a cold.

Fortunately, he was helped by a farmer and stayed in bed for three days. Being sick was his second crisis. Later, when he arrived  in  Saint Louis, Missouri, he heard a gunshot. He rain but got lost. To his good fortune, there was a Korean who lived near the area and he was able to get help. The man took him to Chicago and he stayed with his family for four days. That was his third obstacle.

Then Cho wanted to see his friends, so he went to Toronto and Niagara Falls. But after he met them, he had limited time and decided to take a plane to New York. He stayed in New York for several days before coming back to Korea.

At end of his big journey, he felt proud and became active in his work. He plans to go to Turkey and Europe next year. And he will finish his cycling trip around the world when he turns 30 years old.

Park Hye-Won

BY Park Hye-Won

Sunae Middle Schoo

