
Colleges compete for subway station name

Ever wonder how many subway stations are named after a university? Ther02e are about 20 just in Seoul. Subway routes in the capital area are being constructed one after another. And colleges and local governments are competing to come up with subway station names. Duksung Women’s University enthusiastically promoted itself, collecting signatures last summer to have its name listed on Seoul’s Ui Line L03 station. The Seoul Ui Line is a light rail transit scheduled to open soon. Kukmin and Seokyeong University are also competing for the Ui Line’s L09 station.For universities, especially those actively campaigning to win over prospective students, awareness is important. Kwangwoon University recently had a subway station named in its honor. Last January, Seongbuk Station on Line No. 1 was changed to Kwangwoon University Station. After that, Kwangwoon University saw a great increase in its applicants.“I didn’t analyze the exact admission rate or the increase in scores, but Kwangwoon University Station is one of the last stations, so it gets more publicity,” said Chun Jang-Ho, the president of Kwangwoon University.“For test takers who live in the provinces, it is an important factor when they are deciding where to go to college–whether the college has a subway station named after it in Seoul,” he added.However, there are some disadvantages to the situation.

01Some  colleges  try  to  attach  their names to a subway station instead of the neighborhood’s real name, which can make it difficult for commuters and tourists. Some stations are also far from the actual campus.

Seoul National University station on Line No. 2 is about 2 kilometers away from Seoul National University. Students must walk for 30 minutes from the station to the university.

Additionally, Chongshin University Station is more than a kilometer away from the campus.

“We are deeply concerned because there are too many institutions that demand their names be taken as subway station names even if the station is far away from the school,” a manager with the Seoul municipal government acknowledged.

Cho Hyo-Jin


BY Cho hyo-Jin

Baekma Middle School


–Cons, Debate

Double edged sword; Electronic devices on campus

Cho Hyo-Jin - title



Cho Hyo-Jin



BY Cho Hyo-Jin

Baekma Middle School


Nowadays, we can see college students taking pictures of lecture slides with their smartphones, rather than taking hand-written notes with a pencil and notebook. Some type the lecture on their laptop instead. More and more students are taking advantage of electronic devices in the classroom, but I am skeptical of this trend.Students use electronic devices such as smartphones or laptops for convenience. It enables rapid note- taking and time management without arduous labor. Professors often lecture in a rush and this smart trick seems essential for those who cannot catch up with the pace.However, this kind of selfish need for convenience can be distracting, for them as well as their peers. When a professor gives a presentation using a projector or a large screen, many students take pictures of it, arguing that there is not enough time for note-taking.Using electronic devices may be a smart substitute for old-fashioned methods; however, the sound of a camera shutter can disturb other students. One college student who prefers to hand-write notes argued that “the clicking sound of the camera bothers me a lot. I don’t understand why they take pictures even when they acknowledge that it disturbs other students.”

Besides, students have to write them down after class, so it is a wonder if taking pictures is beneficial at all.
“I think they should know that other students’ class time is just as important as their own,” the student added. Using electric devices in class also arises as a community issue.

Some students take notes on a laptop instead of in a notebook, and their peers may be disturbed by the sound of typing. Students who are against electronic devices in class often claim that when a professor says something valuable, the sound of typing can be bothersome.

It is not only about a community issue, but even students using electronic devices can distract themselves. If you get bored in class and there is a smart phone beside you, you can play a game or surf the Internet anytime. A plethora of games and activities are available on electronic devices.

Students are attracted to electronic devices during class and are easily distracted. As well as disturbing their neighbors, they are actually most distracted in class by them.
