–Cons, Debate

Double edged sword; Electronic devices on campus

Cho Hyo-Jin - title



Cho Hyo-Jin



BY Cho Hyo-Jin

Baekma Middle School


Nowadays, we can see college students taking pictures of lecture slides with their smartphones, rather than taking hand-written notes with a pencil and notebook. Some type the lecture on their laptop instead. More and more students are taking advantage of electronic devices in the classroom, but I am skeptical of this trend.Students use electronic devices such as smartphones or laptops for convenience. It enables rapid note- taking and time management without arduous labor. Professors often lecture in a rush and this smart trick seems essential for those who cannot catch up with the pace.However, this kind of selfish need for convenience can be distracting, for them as well as their peers. When a professor gives a presentation using a projector or a large screen, many students take pictures of it, arguing that there is not enough time for note-taking.Using electronic devices may be a smart substitute for old-fashioned methods; however, the sound of a camera shutter can disturb other students. One college student who prefers to hand-write notes argued that “the clicking sound of the camera bothers me a lot. I don’t understand why they take pictures even when they acknowledge that it disturbs other students.”

Besides, students have to write them down after class, so it is a wonder if taking pictures is beneficial at all.
“I think they should know that other students’ class time is just as important as their own,” the student added. Using electric devices in class also arises as a community issue.

Some students take notes on a laptop instead of in a notebook, and their peers may be disturbed by the sound of typing. Students who are against electronic devices in class often claim that when a professor says something valuable, the sound of typing can be bothersome.

It is not only about a community issue, but even students using electronic devices can distract themselves. If you get bored in class and there is a smart phone beside you, you can play a game or surf the Internet anytime. A plethora of games and activities are available on electronic devices.

Students are attracted to electronic devices during class and are easily distracted. As well as disturbing their neighbors, they are actually most distracted in class by them.

–Cons, Debate

Double edged sword; Electronic devices on campus

Lee Jae-Hong title



Lee Jae-Hong



BY Lee Jae-hong

Naejung Middle School

Recently as electronic devices have developed as part of our everyday lives, the debate over whether to use them in college classes has become the topic of much discussion.Some people support the idea that electronic devices are a necessity for college students due to their convenience. It not only accelerates the pace of work, but also helps them keep in touch with friends and family.However, I strongly disagree with the argument that electronic devices should be used in university classes, as it can hinder learning, critical thinking and the entire educational process.While using electronic devices, students cannot concentrate on lectures. They easily lose attention and giggle at funny stories on Facebook. Attractive phone applications can also eat up students’ attention and worsen the situation. If a student does not want to focus on a lecture, it is more likely that he or she will turn to an electronic device to pass the time.Students can play games or search for information unrelated to class on the Internet. Many people might think that electronic gadgets have negative effects only for those who use them. However, even students who are not using them can become easily distracted due to the sound of a camera shutter or vigorous typing.

“I think taking a photo during lessons only distracts other students,” said Sang Won Lee, a freshman at Konkuk University. He added that electronic devices can benefit those who use them, though their use may bother others. Some functions on devices can be loud enough to distract other students, he said.

The use of electronic devices during lessons is also ineffective. Some insist that electronic devices are essential because students can snap pictures of lecture notes. However, a photocopy of lecture notes must be hand-written again, probably after the class.

It casts doubt over whether electronic devices can ever serve an educational purpose.

All they do is worsen concentration. Regardless of what certain devices can do, students still must write down lecture notes, though there is the chance that they may not fully comprehend the material they learned in class.

According to a recent report from NBC News, a student checks his or her smartphone an  average  of  11 times during class, and 80 percent of them answered that it is distracting. It added that the abuse of electronic devices correlates directly with low academic performance.



–Pros, Debate

Double edged sword; Electronic devices on campus

Suh Ji-Seop-title



Suh Ji-Seop



BY Suh Ji-Seop

Samseon Middle School


We are now living in the age of the Internet, in which the development and widespread use of electronic devices has become inevitable. It’s human nature for people to become accustomed to the actions they find most efficient. I undoubtedly argue that most college students use electronic devices for a multitude of purposes. New electronic devices such as tablet PCs or smartphones play a significant role in our everyday lives. In the midst of these fast-paced technological trends, we see many college students using laptops near their schools and just about everywhere else.

The number of smartphone and laptop users in their 20s is so substantial that LG has targeted most of its promotions at college students. Students can obtain discounts with a university ID card, and Apple offers devices at a discounted rate for those who register with a university email account. Cafes near college campuses are no longer places to sip coffee but to enjoy fast Wi-Fi service.

When I interviewed a 22-year-old university student who lives near me, I asked him about the role of smartphones and laptops on college campuses. He said that electronic devices are essential for organizing ideas during class time, and that while many college students have their own ways of staying organized, most use their electronic devices.

He also pointed out that it is almost unimaginable to go to class without an electronic device since the possession of them is somewhat assumed, and lectures are often designed for those who take advantage of such devices.

Such trends have already become a part of college life, and those who eschew such technology will eventually find themselves getting left behind.
Customizing oneself to a fast-pacing environment is a diligent endeavor. And owning electronic devices and taking advantage of them must be interpreted through the same frame.

Unlike other generations that criticize the use of electronic devices, college students have blended cutting-edge technology into their academic environment–not only during lectures, but at other times as well.

Almost everything can be done electronically–from signing up for classes to connecting with friends on and off campus. College students deserve respect for their creativity.


–Pros, Debate

Double edged sword; Electronic devices on campus

Lee Hee-Won title



Lee Hee-Won



BY Lee Hee-Won

Jamsil Middle School

Despite the fact that some problems exist with students using electronic devices during class, still it is much more convenient and comfortable for them.

Using electronic devices is much more effective for many students and some of them don’t have a choice but to use them based on time constraints. Since there is limited time to lecture, professors often hurry through. Professors are urged to teach more in the time allotted than he or she is capable, and as a result, students rapidly try to write down everything the teacher says, sometimes missing notes.

However, if they use electronic devices, they have more time to listen and understand, rather than rushing through the material. By taking a photograph, they can save their notes quickly.

They can also type their notes on their laptops, which saves more time than writing by hand.

“Most professors lecture using a big screen, and some of them turn the pages way too fast, which doesn’t allow us to take notes. It’s more comfortable and effective to use smartphones to take a picture,” said one Mokwon University student.

“I take the picture when other students are taking notes anyway, so it doesn’t matter,” he said in response to whether he believed technological gadgets in the classroom were a distraction.

However, the solution to that argument is simple.

Many educators believe students who use electronic devices cannot pay attention in class. They contend students surf the Web or do unrelated work during class, not listening to the professor.

However, such issues occur even when students don’t have electronic devices. Students who don’t have any interest in the lecture will still pay no attention, even without a smartphone or laptop. They might even bother other students who are trying to pay attention.

What matters is the student’s will to pay attention, not the existence of electronic devices. Students who are willing to pay attention will still focus on the class, and even if they have electronic devices, they will use them effectively.

Though there may be some minor problems that come with using electronic devices during class, the benefit is still significant. It would be unreasonable to ban or restrict their use on campus for such minor grievances. Taking advantage of cutting-edge technology in academia is more plausible and intellectual.


A student who crossed North America on two wheels

Korea is a small country; some people can’t even locate it on a map. However, despite its modest size, great people reside in this country. I am going to tell you about one of them: His name is Cho Wan-Cheol, a student at Inje University.

This young man traveled North America over two months with just a bicycle, cycling 100 kilometers for eight hours each day. The idea for this adventure was born when he read a travelogue on the Internet when he was just 19. The post detailed the journey of another Korean who had traveled the world. For the first time, he dreamed about such an endeavor.

Cho Wan-CheolBut after he entered the military, his dreams became more earnest. Immediately following his discharge, he started to make preparations. First, he needed money, so he took part-time jobs in restaurants and on constructive sites. Then he attained a cooking license in Korean cuisine and taught tourists how to make them. At last, he bought a bicycle for his journey and learned how to maneuver it and do repairs. In the final stages, he practiced cycling and endurance running.

The reason he chose North America for his adventure is because he wanted to see the Grand Canyon and Niagara Falls. First, he went to Arizona. He cycled for two days but still could not see the end of the desert. On the fifth day, he ran out of water and risked dehydration and sun stroke, though he was helped by strangers in passing cars.

Finally, on the 10th day, Cho stepped foot in Grand Canyon. Throughout his journey, he faced several obstacles. Once, his bicycle got a flat tire. This was his first crisis. Even though it was May, there was heavy snow in the Rocky Mountains and he caught a cold.

Fortunately, he was helped by a farmer and stayed in bed for three days. Being sick was his second crisis. Later, when he arrived  in  Saint Louis, Missouri, he heard a gunshot. He rain but got lost. To his good fortune, there was a Korean who lived near the area and he was able to get help. The man took him to Chicago and he stayed with his family for four days. That was his third obstacle.

Then Cho wanted to see his friends, so he went to Toronto and Niagara Falls. But after he met them, he had limited time and decided to take a plane to New York. He stayed in New York for several days before coming back to Korea.

At end of his big journey, he felt proud and became active in his work. He plans to go to Turkey and Europe next year. And he will finish his cycling trip around the world when he turns 30 years old.


Park Hye-Won

BY Park Hye-Won

Sunae Middle Schoo

