–Pros, Debate

Is it right for LCC airlines to continue developing?




BY Kang Seo-Eun

Myeongsun Elementary School



LCC(Low Cost Carrier), the developing low-cost airline is rising current of air. LCC industry is keep on rising and bringing advantages for four different groups of people: citizens, government, travel agencies and the airlines. All these people have had great benefits by managing the LCC. The LCC have been established 10 years ago, and it is still giving a big success and bigger improvements. The LCC industry is expanding the option to change the travel patterns of the customers and it will be a great foundation which can raise the basic steps of the domestic aviation(flight) market. All these LCC industry developments will lead to travel development and finally will lead to society’s, and Korea’s development. For this, low-cost airline LCC industry should be developed. I have three reasons to support it.

First, the both citizens and the government have better advantages, and this will give better opportunities to develop Korea. Imagine you want to visit Paris. However, you are lack of money to pay the ticket. But luckily, you have found a cheap ticket from an LCC airline. Would you buy a ticket which costs thousand-hundred dollars, or a ticket which costs few hundred dollars? Most of the customers would choose LCC airlines, since it is cheaper. This is human’s desire, and this is people’s obligate reality. And there are no reasons to keep off from their want, and there are no negative effects which will make Korea worsen by their choice to buy the tickets from LCC airline. By this, many customers would be able to ride an airplane, at least once in their life with cheap price. As the citizens are able to ride an airplane with cheap price, there will be much more airplanes required for the  passengers. Then, the LCC company will need to manufacture more of the planes in order to take more passengers. This will lead to better chances for the companies to develop since they have more chances to make an airplane, and more citizens will be able to ride an airplane: this is a situation  known as killing two birds with one stone. Not only this, the government will also have better advantages and this advantages will provide the citizens advanced materials and sooner or later lead to country’s development. Because of the cheap ticket, citizen’s tax will rise, but this is a good status quo. Since the tax is rising, the government will have better opportunities to make changes which need some alternation, since they have bigger gain. To explain this as a word, this is a circulation. By this, Koreans will have wider range of advantages. At the same time, the government will be able develop Korea, meaningfully.

Second, the travel agencies and the airlines can earn more profits. Some people might say, it does not matter how the LCC industrial company earn much money. However, their profits lead to develop tourism and globalization of Korea. According to Halla-ilbo, there is a great advantage which Korea could be well known; the number of the airline passengers increased nationally. In Korea, there are total seven national carriers which is a route for Korea and the world(Five LCC companies). Of the competitive effects, the options were widen and there were more passengers riding Korea’s plane. By this, the number of the travelers using the national carrier have increased a lot. In 2005, the population who used the flight was 35,611,971 and in 2014, it was 60,188,157 people. By such statistics, we can recognize that it has increased about twice, and this shows high rate of the growth of the LCC industry. This surely developed Korea’s travel industry, and also helped Korea’s traveling agencies and airlines to grow. In the past, two of the FSC airlines have limited competitions and they held the initiative of the traveling section. However, LCC entry has led to full competition and has competed in fare reductions and other kinds of services the passengers have been looking for. This changed all the structures and later developed about 50% than before. Also, the international line, Jeju Air has increased about 11.5%. Those statistics show the development possibility of LCC industry, and in other word “hidden potential in Korea.” By this, Korea can prove our quick development in LCC. Travel agencies and airlines’ developments lead to citizen’s and government’s development and later will lead to Korea’s development.

Third, as the opposite as what the experts say, there are great solutions to solve the problems which are occurred from LCC, for instance safety issues. Some experts claim the serious safety problems from LCC industry. However, there are great alternatives to solve those issue; balancing the flight pay and tilt the side of safety more than service. To elaborate it more, the LCC industry should put more efforts in safety. Since much more people are interested in safety than other kinds of servicing portions, it is better to have a heavier balance in safe, majorly. For people who desperately need LCC tickets would not put on much attention for bad services since they are paying less money for the ticket. Also, they should consider the less quality because they are paying much less money on traveling on plane. Thus, the people who need better quality of the plane should ride another planes which are not hosted by LCC industry. So this can be a good alternative for the rich and the poor in Korea, and the other states’ tourists who need to ride a plane, with less or much money. This will help Korea’s developed industry in travel.

LCC industry is giving the customers, the government, the travel agencies and the airlines great profits and advantages. Also, LCC industry’s main issues can be solved by balancing the two different categories, safety and services. Later on, the LCC industry will going to lead Korea’s travel industry, and lead to Korea’s development, globally throughout the world. For these reasons, I strongly claim Korea’s LCC industry should be developed.



Learning about West Africa and Japan’s current issues

Are you having a pleasant trip riding our convenient train, ‘The Journalism Express?’ Starting from the first stop, we have decided to have a serious talk about the issues traveling to several countries, and some important alternatives to solve those issues. Today is a special trip: we have a long way to go, traveling to two different states’ issues. Since the company Journalism Corporation chose to talk about these places, the passengers riding our train will have great opportunities to learn about their issues and disadvantages. Especially for today’s trip, the employees and I have decided to introduce West Africa’s global issues and Japan’s radioactivity issues, which are related to today’s trip. Please listen carefully to the precautions which will make your trip safer and more enjoyable.

The first stop, West Africa, and about its deadly virus: Ebola

shutterstock_225770470Our first stop is West Africa, and this region is one of the most dangerous places throughout the world, currently. West Africa’s infectious disease, ‘Ebola hemorrhagic fever’ or Ebola virus is taking a big portion of decreasing “sightseeing money” from the sightseers. Ebola virus’ fatality rate has a high death possibility. For instance, to make your understanding easier of how serious and deadly this virus is, when one person is affected, at least, half of the citizens in Korea will possibly die. But the most horrifying information about this disease is that it does not have a precaution to cure. Ebola spread in many other countries in a short moment because of easy infection; silently. For this, many countries started to keep a distance with West Africa such as banning West Africans from coming into their countries or forbidding their citizens to travel to the region.

Ebola, the deadly virus, hasn’t only given inconvenience and discrimination to West Africans. It harmed other states and the sightseers from various countries. For instance, Australia’s government had forbidden West Africa’s tourists coming to their country to prevent the virus entering in 2014. This would probably help Australians from the virus spreading, but this is a radical manner for the innocent West African tourists. Not only this, but the families who are separated also won’t be able to meet each other frequently. The serious discrimination was shown by nations club, which was held by Confederation of African Football (CAF). This football club had blocked Morocco, which is an Ebola-sensitive country, from participating in the game. All this wariness brought up some serious problem, related to the trip. Sightseers who have visited West Africa would most likely to look down on West Africa because of the disease, and would not come back to the regions of the risk getting infected. Moreover, not only the West Africans but also many countries with Ebola infection-risk are experiencing inequality and harm from others. As a result, West Africa’s sightseeing money has decreased with less visitors, and the country may, sooner or later, be corrupted. There are two precautions to decrease the issue: one for ordinary citizens, and one for scholars, doctors and scientists. For the latter, they should continue studying for a new expellant to cure patients who are infected by Ebola. For us, the ordinary citizens should understand one fact clearly: It’s not just their own issue, it’s the world’s issue.

The second stop Japan, and its radioactivity’s harmful issues

After the gloomy news in the first stop West Africa, we are heading to Japan, the second stop. Since Japan has several astonishing facts about their increasing travelers during the serious issue; radioactivity. We will discuss more about it, alternatives for it and its great outcome. It is unfavorable news, because radioactivity is giving Japan and the other neighboring countries big trouble. Radioactivity peels off skin when reached nearby, and it also pollutes the environment and harms the land so it doesn’t grow well. As a result of this, much land in Japan is damaged. Examples include Fukushima (already polluted- high rate of radioactivity) and Tokyo (seems to have high danger). However, a strange case has occurred: A surge of foreigners visiting Japan. The main reason is decreased amount of money to travel.

shutterstock_73559995Since Japan’s government decided to lower the price and expenses, many tourists began visiting Japan. Because of the decreased expense, many visitors, particularly Koreans have been hopping over next door. According to the Chosun news, in the ordinary weeks, the visitors’ number of people has increased about 11.54%, and around the special holidays such as New Years, the number of the visitor increased about 45.3% than last year’s visitors’ number. This statistic shows highly increased number of the visitors after decreasing the expense used in the trip. Also, we can understand people are more sensitive toward price of travel radioactivity’s seriousness. Thus, Japan’s issue could be solved stably because of the great alternative: decreasing price for sight-seeing money. However, people should not forget to care about their health and keep a distance from radioactivity-sensitive areas.

By traveling different stops, ‘The Journalism Express’ hopes that all passengers would be able to understand West Africa’s unresolved issue and Japan’s great alternative to solve the radioactivity issue. Before traveling, make sure you are aware of these.




BY Kang Seo-Eun

Myeongsun Elementary School

–Pros, Debate

Is the spread of the Korean Wave advantageous for Korea?

Kang Seo-Eun



BY Kang Seo-Eun

Myeongsun Elementary School



Critics of the Korean Wave have forgotten that it has helped Korea become recognized as a world power. Before the Wave, many other countries did not give a single thought to Korea. It is important to remember how much we have profited from it.

Through international exportation of our dramas and music, Korea has become a much more globalized country, and globalization inevitably leads to further development. Very few people argue against the fact that Korea has created some of the most unique television formats. However, since Korea is a small country, it can never stand out among the larger ones unless it extends its reach outside its borders. Korea’s astonishing skills are rendered essentially useless when other countries cannot recognize and appreciate them. To become more globalized and to better promote our country, we need to export our best content to other nations, namely China. Exporting our media to China will prove advantageous to Korea.

When Chinese television networks picked up the popular Korean show “Dae Jang Geum,” also known as “The Jewel in the Palace,” it experienced great success. In fact, it was soon after exported to about 80 different countries. China’s immense population and resources helped the show gain fame and innumerous viewers; China was the bridge linking Korean culture to the rest of the world.

China has also helped attract many tourists to Korea. When the Korean drama “You Who Came from the Stars” gained popularity in China, it is estimated that 5,700 Chinese tourists came to Korea to see Song-do Suksan. In recent years, Japanese tourists have increased 38%, Hong Kong tourists have increased 75%, and mainland Chinese tourists have increased an incredible 90%. It goes without saying that Korea’s tourism industry has undoubtedly benefited from these increases.

Through exportation of Korean dramas and music to China and other countries, we can strengthen our link to the rest of the world. Korea has the skills to impress other nations and it is time to let the world know about Korea.


