–Pros, Debate

Should we welcome artificial intelligence into today’s society?





BY Kim Do-Hyun

Youngdong Elementary School


Artificial Intelligence, or AI, is a type of computer technology concerned with making machines work in way that mirrors the way the human mind works. It has a range of abilities, including observing, understanding language, problem solving, reasoning, and even learning. Although some question AI’s place in our society, its existence is both inevitable and necessary.

The “Space Race” of the mid-20th century only cracked open the door to possibilities of space exploration. 2012 saw the landing of the Curiosity Rover on Mars, and in 2014, we watched as the Philae spacecraft landed on a comet for the first time ever. This is just the beginning.

Intelligent robots can be used to explore space, given they are machines and therefore have the ability to endure the hostile environment of interplanetary space. They can be made to adapt in such a way that planetary atmospheres do not affect their physical state or ability to function. With the use of AI technology, what humans once thought of as unreachable and impossible will soon become attainable. Our understanding of the observable universe will grow, and we could even discover other celestial bodies with resources that could benefit the human race.

In considering the sprawling mystery of space, many people often forget how little we know of many parts of our own earth. Intelligent robots can be harnessed for exploring the depths of the oceans. For example, the Mariana Trench, the deepest part of the earth’s oceans, contains a multitude of lifeforms that we have not discovered. Unfortunately, few people have ventured into the trench due to its incredible depth and frightening pressure. Currently, the amount of descents into the Mariana Trench can be counted on one hand.

Human intelligence and physical capability has serious limitations. The benefits of AI technology are clear and undeniable, and AI will surely assist mankind. Why shouldn’t we do everything within our power to help the human race improve?

